Security Data Rooms

Security Data Areas are cloud based systems that enable the exchange of secret documents with external groups. These solutions are used in due diligence during the M&A process, and by companies that need to share files with third parties for numerous reasons : e. g. to avoid stocking sensitive data files on the firm network or for compliance reasons. Although these companies can be very attractive reducing the risk of confidential data falling into the wrong hands, they do have some major flaws ~ even when info is protected at rest (which most companies claim they will do).

Although online file sharing solutions (e. g. Dropbox, Google Drive) are secure enough for some purposes, they do not provide good protection for business critical data like financial data, IP, a lawsuit and homework documents. Whilst they may deliver some degree of monitoring based on usernames and passwords, they will not prevent permitted users right from taking copies of documents that they have access to and showing those with other people or companies.

A virtual data place allows for granular permission settings and provides advanced features that can be used to restrict duplicating, downloading and printing of documents ~ all even though providing a consumer with the total functionality of this file involved. This type of protection can make a huge difference during M&A and other tactical transactions, in fact it is one of the reasons for what reason many businesses decide on a data room rather than significantly less secure choices for their report exchanges.